On today’s episode: Trying to be a perfect parent might actually make you…a worse parent. Storing energy from the grid using mechanical batteries. All that and more today on All Around Science…
- Caterbot? Robotapillar? It crawls with ease through loops and bends- Princeton Engineering
- Study: Pressure to be “perfect” causing burnout for parents, mental health concerns for their children | The Ohio State University College of Nursing
- Storing energy with compressed air is about to have its moment of truth
- https://insideclimatenews.org/news/19052022/inside-clean-energy-flow-battery/
- https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/electricity/energy-storage-for-electricity-generation.php
- https://www.theecoexperts.co.uk/blog/pumped-storage
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9slIBECva4
Writing – Bobby Frankenberger & Maura Armstrong
Booking – September McCrady
THEME MUSIC by Andrew Allen