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Why Do We Believe Conspiracies?

On today’s episode: Good news! It seems that public schools are actually helping to prevent COVID transmission! Best practices when combating the spread of fake news on social media. And what is “motivated reasoning” and how does it lead to conspiracy thinking? All...

Humans Caused Climate Change

On today’s episode: COVID dropped carbon emissions in 2020, but the real climate win lies in what we do next. Millipedes that stop trains in their tracks! And the science behind how we know that humans are changing Earth’s climate. All that and more today on All...

New COVID Mutations

On today’s episode spiders might be building a tempting oasis to trap their pre. New flexible materials inspired by squids! What we know about the UK and South African SARS CoV 2 variants All that and more today on All Around Science. On today’s episode spiders might...

Will the Earth’s Magnetic Field Flip?

On today’s episode: How do we learn it’s better to give than to receive? Have we discovered a new solar system superhighway? If the north pole moves, does that mean Santa has to move too? All that and more today on All Around Science… LINKS: ARTICLE: Is It...

The Life and Death of Stars

On today’s episode: AstraZeneca flubbed their vaccine trial… but can we learn something? Once we get a COVID vaccine, immunity may last longer than we originally expected. The story of a star: from birth to black hole. All that and more today on All Around...