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Viruses Compete With Each Other

On today’s episode: Don’t worry parents, you teenagers hate you b/c their brains made them. And why is it that we usually only get sick with one thing at a time? All that and more today on All Around Science… LINKS: [ARTICLE] Kids brains’ become less tuned to...

2022 Science We Missed

On today’s episode: How have COVID vaccines had lasting impact on menstrual cycles? Video games; do they rot your brain, or enhance it? What is the biological reason that women live longer than men? And how can sound help us understand protein folding? All...

A Vaccine For Addiction

On today’s episode: Scientists have made a battery out of ocean water! Someday, you might be able to be vaccinated against addiction  All that and more today on All Around Science. LINKS: [ARTICLE] New device can make hydrogen when dunked in salt water...

Why Do We Like Being Scared?

On today’s episode: The same things that cause autoimmune diseases may have helped our ancestors survive the Black Death. It’s Halloween! Let’s talk about the science of why we like scary things! All that and more today on All Around Science. LINKS: [ARTICLE]...

Artificial Embryos and Organs

On today’s episode: We know that some spiders sleep… but do they dream? The secret to the heart’s strength is in its physical shape. Scientists are making strides in creating synthetic embryos. All that and more today on All Around Science. LINKS: [ARTICLE]...